About Vicky

    About Vicky

    Vicky J. Hachey, RHN

    Vicky Hachey

    Registered Holistic Nutritionist

    Vicky’s journey started when she noticed that certain foods were affecting her toddler’s behaviour. Through that experience, she discovered it is not trendy “diets” that bring health, but a solid foundation in nutrition which establishes a structure for lasting healthy results.

    Vicky is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, and owns a supplement store and clinic through which she operates her nutrition practice. She works with individuals to guide them on their health journey, and teaches them how and why nutritious foods will benefit them directly. Over the years, Vicky has provided many services such as personal consultations, and hosting various talks and workshops.

    She is very excited about her new program “Memory Method Program”. It is for any stage of life, and she will focus on how diet can affect brain health and mobility.


    “It’s Making EVERYDAY Choices TODAY, that will IMPACT Your Health and Wellbeing for LIFE.”